In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the tranquil setting of Saxacalli Mission, nestled along the Essequibo River, was shattered by a gruesome crime. Detectives are currently delving into the alleged murder of 49-year-old David Gomes, a respected driver hailing from D’Urban Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown, and his 75-year-old mother, Nellie Gomes, both residing at the same address.
The chilling incident unfolded between the hours of 17:00 and 20:00 yesterday, sending shockwaves through the community. Initial investigations paint a harrowing picture of events leading up to the tragic demise of the mother and son duo.
As details emerge, it’s revealed that David Gomes, accompanied by his young son and elderly mother, embarked on a routine journey to Saxacalli Mission to attend to household chores and upkeep. However, what transpired next would shake the very foundation of their family.
According to eyewitness accounts, including that of David’s six-year-old son, the suspect, identified as prison escapee Akeem Wong, made an unexpected visit to their residence in Saxacalli. Seeking sustenance and directions, the suspect was welcomed with hospitality, sharing a meal and even indulging in conversation with David Gomes over vodka.
Tragically, the hospitality turned into horror as the suspect allegedly brandished a cutlass, unleashing a flurry of fatal blows upon David Gomes and his mother, Nellie Gomes. Despite valiant efforts to fend off the assailant, both victims succumbed to the merciless assault, leaving behind a scene of unimaginable brutality.
In a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, David Gomes’ young son bravely recounted the ordeal, shedding light on the tragic sequence of events. Amidst the chaos, the child managed to alert authorities, reaching out to his father’s acquaintances for help.
As law enforcement officials descended upon the scene, they were met with a chilling tableau of violence. Crime scene technicians meticulously documented the grim aftermath, revealing the extent of the injuries inflicted upon the victims. Both David and Nellie Gomes bore the savage marks of multiple lacerations, with the brutality concentrated heavily upon their heads.
Amidst the horror, there emerged a glimmer of hope as the young child, a witness to unspeakable violence, was rescued from the clutches of danger. Presently, the bodies of the deceased are undergoing forensic examination in Bartica, as authorities continue their relentless pursuit of justice.
As the community grapples with the repercussions of this heinous act, questions linger, and wounds run deep. Yet, amidst the darkness, there shines a beacon of resilience and solidarity, as Saxacalli Mission stands united in mourning the loss of two cherished members of their community.
With investigations ongoing and the specter of tragedy looming large, the memory of David and Nellie Gomes serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the enduring quest for justice in the face of senseless violence.